December 02 2015

Yii2 gridview column pass an array as param

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In Yii2 now you are allow pass an array as param to gridview column for display the data. Below is the example how to pass array to gridview column.

The $status is an array and $data is the model results.
'content' => function($data) use ($status) {
  return (isset($status[$data->status]) ? $status[$data->status] : $data->status);

Complete Example:
  'filterModel' => $model,
  'columns' => [
      'attribute' => 'status',
      'filter' => $status,
      'content' => function($data) use ($status) {
        return (isset($status[$data->status]) ? $status[$data->status] : $data->status);
]); ?>

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