August 04 2014
Joomla tinyMCE adding image with full path or full absolute urls
Tagged Under : Javascript, Joomla
To set tinyMCE editor to full path or full absolute urls, inside tinyMCE.init add the “relative_urls” params to and set the value to “false“. Because this option is set to true by default.
relative_urls : false,But in Joomla you are not allow directly change the javascript params to false. But you can pass the params in PHP when calling it.
Below is the example how to set the “relative_url” to false. and it work on Joomla2.5
$editor = JFactory::getEditor(); $params = array('relative_urls' => '0'); echo $editor->display('wrapper4_editor', $this->wrapper4content['content'], '100%', '400px', '', '', true,null, null, null, $params);