There are different type of results that are available in MVC. When create new controller, they will come with actions by default. The Empty controller includes an Index action with a return value of type ActionResult. ActionResul class is the base class for all action results.
There are different ActionResult types explained below.
ActionResult | Method | Description |
ViewResult | View | Renders a view as a web page |
PartialViewResult | PartialView | Section of a view,that can be rendered inside another view |
RedirectResult | Redirect | Redirect to another action method |
RedirectToRouteResult | RedirectToRoute | Redirect to another action method |
ContentResult | Content | Returns a user-defined content type |
JsonResult | Json | Retuns a serialized JSON object |
JavaScriptResult | JavaScript | Returns a script that can be executed on the client |
FileResult | File | Returns a binary output to write to the response |
EmptyResult | — | returns a null result |