January 14 2018

IONIC 3 display config.xml version number on APP

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To use config.xml version number on APP. you need install APP VERSION with npm.

To display the version number on APP.
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
	this.appVersion.getVersionNumber().then((value) => {
		var value = value.replace(/"/g, '');
		this.version = 'v'+value;
and then put {{version}} where you want to display in html page.

and the output will be like this v1.0.1

January 14 2018

IONIC 3 dynamic loading control content or text

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In IONIC 3 LoadingController you can set the content or text in starting. But if the loading is for getting information from many place and you want to display how many percent was completed or the process until which step.
this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({content: 'Please wait...'});